Hacking the Clearance Process for Tomorrow’s Digital Workforce

Trusted Workforce 2.0 and Tomorrow’s Digital Workforce

Private, by-invitation-only, event focused on security clearances in government contracting

George Mason University IDIA
Center For Government Contracting

About The Event

In a series of recent discussions with Dr. Gregory Washington, President of George Mason University, CEOs of government contracting companies repeatedly raised two major security clearance challenges facing the industry: how to shorten the time it takes to receive a clearance, and how to reduce the time it takes to train new hires to start work on Day 1.

The George Mason University School of Business, its Center for Government Contracting, and the Institute for Digital InnovAtion (IDIA) are tasked with providing this university perspective. Toward that end, you are invited to participate in a private, invitation-only, event focused on security clearances in government contracting. The event hosts seek attendee insights on what works in the clearance process, how the process adapted in response to COVID, and clearance impacts on the horizon.


A Networking Reception is included to enable more one-on-one conversations; during this time, attendees are also offered a tour of the IDIA space

Why attend?

Each panel benefits attendees with a unique set of opportunities. 
Most notable, a chance to make changes to the clearance process.

Panel 1: Hacking the clearance process

  • Does the process for remote clearances offer solutions for improving the federal clearance process? Speed in gaining a clearance and on-boarding talent is of paramount concern for both sides of the street—government and business.
  • What challenges face government and industry with their current cleared workforce and future pipeline and how can they work together to address these challenges?
  • Was clearance portability strengthened or weakened during COVID? When to turn off a clearance and when not to?
  • It’s all about the mission: Delays in clearance can have negative impacts when serving federal customer requirements. How can this balance be improved?
  • Post-pandemic, what could a future SCIF look like?

Panel 2: What resources can a university offer?

  • Leaders will be chosen from across George Mason University to share existing resources focused on educating and training students for cleared opportunities.
  • Attendees will be asked for their insights on how these resources can be adopted and/or adapted to fit existing needs to build and secure a workforce.
  • This discussion will uncover what a university can provide to graduates and life-long learners.
  • As three-quarters of hired roles in federal contracting require clearance, it would be desirable for universities to create a pool of cleared applicants for government and company hires. How can that best be accomplished?
  • Can a degree program be tied to a government clearance level?
  • What is the next level for universities above and beyond clearance ready programs?
  • Would it be possible to create a government-to-university contract that leads to clearance?

Attendees can engage with leaders of:

  • Clearance Ready programs
  • Virginia Small Business Development Centers
  • Career Services centers on building pipelines for internships and hires
  • Graduate-level, candidate-vetted, program for internships and researchships
  • Cleared research internships within the College of Engineering and Computing


We hope that this offer creates excitement and engagement within your organization.

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Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident incididunt utabama.

Petey Cruiser

Dolorem iasum

Bob Frapples

Omnis occae

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Eligendi oetio

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Barry Wine

Soluta nobis

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Laboris nisi

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